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Simple Poses of Yoga For Thyroid


The thyroid is a hormonal disorder that affects your neck and its surrounding region. Since there are medically proven ways to cure thyroid. However, in case you want to balance the hormones naturally, you can practice yoga for thyroid.

You should keep in mind that yoga practice is just to balance your hormones. Further, yoga is a complementary therapy that curbs your stress levels. Since stress and hyperthyroidism are directly connected with each other. Practicing yoga for thyroid is going to give you relief from thyroid and various other symptoms.

Here are a few poses of yoga for thyroid you can practice. Read on.

Simple Yet Effective Poses of Yoga For Thyroid

Fish Pose

It is one of the most effective yoga poses for thyroid. From improving the range of motion of your shoulders to working on your neck muscles, this pose does it all.

To practice this pose, you need to lie down on your back. Make sure your legs are completely extended to the front. Slowly place your hands under your buttocks. Ensure that the palms are facing down with fingers pointing towards your feet. Put your weight on the elbows and expand your chest. Lean backward while letting your head drop to the back.

This stretches the front of your neck and shoulder muscles.

Shoulder Stand

The best pose of yoga for thyroid that works on the neck is the shoulder stand. Not just that, it improves the overall balance of your body. Furthermore, a shoulder stand enhances the stability of your shoulders. Moreover, it activates different regions of your brain that stimulate the thyroid gland.

Lie on your back while keeping your body completely relaxed. With a sudden push, lift your legs up while supporting your lower back with your hands. You can place your elbows on the ground to ensure the support is firmer. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your legs.

Plow Pose

If you want to work on the neck, shoulders, and spine, the plow pose is perfect for you. It helps in the release of the thyroid gland that balances your hyperthyroidism.

Raise your legs just like in the shoulder stand. However, rather than keeping your legs straight, let your feet touch the ground over your head. This way, it stretches out your hamstring and calves muscles. Since the neck muscles feel a stretch, it improves their strength and flexibility.

Cat-Cow Pose

This is a tricky yoga pose for thyroid. The motion of your neck depends on the inhale and exhale of your breath. Therefore, you should first have a basic understanding of the mechanism of the cat-cow pose.

Get on your all fours to start the stretch. Breathe in deep while raising your neck. Furthermore, push your hips out such that your spine forms a natural bend. While exhaling, let your neck loose. Furthermore, round your spine such that you push your shoulder blades away. Keep repeating this motion for as long as possible.

Cobra Pose

This yoga pose improves your neck, chest, shoulders, feet, and leg muscles. Furthermore, the cobra pose works on your back muscles also.

To practice this pose, lie on your stomach and make sure your legs are stretched out. From there, place your palms on the ground while keeping them in alignment with your shoulders. Gently push to raise your upper body. However, you should make sure that your lower body is rested completely on the ground. Keep in mind to stretch your neck by looking towards the ceiling.

Camel Pose

Do you know that there should be a proper balance in every muscle of your body? Even if you suffer from thyroid, you cannot neglect your spine and lower body. The camel pose massages your knees, increases the flexibility of your spine, and stretches your neck muscles.

Put your knees on the floor and place your hands on your waist. Expand your chest and bend backward. Make sure you look towards the ceiling to stretch your neck. If possible, you can also place your hands on your feet.

Wrap Up

Yoga is a therapy that improves your mental and physical health. However, it cannot eradicate thyroid completely. But you can practice yoga for thyroid along with other treatments to make the healing process faster. Hence, make yoga a part of your life to get rid of various ailments and live a happy life.



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