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Yoga Poses For You To Fight Depression


Some days, you literally dread getting up in the morning and facing the world right? An unwanted sense of hopelessness takes over, and you feel empty and hollow inside. If these feelings keep on recurring on a regular basis, then you are in trouble my friend. This clearly means that depression is knowing at your door. The sooner you find a solution, the sooner you will be able to get better.

What Exactly Is Depression?

Depression is basically referred to as an illness that directly affects your brain first, and then your body. It refers to your reaction to something sad, loss of someone, or rejection. When these feelings increase and become intense, a sense of hopelessness invades and it leads to a medical condition called clinical depression.

Major Symptoms: Depression

  • You start feeling worthless and guilty on a regular basis for no apparent reason

  • Your concentration and focus level decreases and irritation takes over

  • All the activities you used to enjoy earlier now doesn't seem appealing even a bit

  • You get recurring thoughts about death and committing suicide

  • You mentally and physically feel unstable and fidgety almost all the time

  • You lose or gain weight at a rapid rate which is unhealthy for your overall health

Can Yoga Help You With Depression?

Yes. Yoga can definitely help you deal with depression. Its is said to relieve depression naturally as it acts as a fighting agent against depression. Outlined below are a few yoga for depression poses that will give you a clear view of how yoga for depression can help you heal internally.

Yoga Asanas To Heal Depression

1. Balasana

Balasana helps you calm your brain and relieve unwanted stress and anxiety. It gently and slowly stretches your lower back and hips, preparing your body to relax. Peace and calmness takes over both your mind and body, helping you deal with your of mental issue of depression in a better manner.

2. Sethu Bandhasana

Sethu Bandhasana is an yoga for depression known to strengthen your back muscles and relax a tired back. It helps you find inner peace and works wonders for people suffering from stress and anxiety.

3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is known to easily cure a mild fatigue. This partiular asana has an overall rejuvenating effect on your entire body, give it a try and all the stress trapped in your back will disappear into thin air.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana is good for the circulation of blood to flow into your body. It deeply stretches your neck and lower back, releasing the stress hidden in them, thereby reducing unwanted stress and anxiety.

5. Halasana

Halasana is known to reduce the strain on your back and improve your body posture. It can easily calm your brain, gives it a good mental stretch, and reduce anxiety. Halasana keeps headaches, Insomnia, and issues of migrain far away from you.

All the yoga for depression poses mentioned above in will help the inner you relieve the emotional and mental scars and trauma deeply ingrained in your physical and psychic body. So, do give it a shot.



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